
From episode 4, "Betrayal." The name of one of Bloth's slaves in the Kravidorm; Avagon calls this person to arrange a gathering of the slaves so that she can address them.

Viva tree

From episode 6, "Andorus." A special, magical tree, one whose branches reach high and whose roots dig deep below the earth. Only supreme ecomancers are allowed to come into contact with it, and they go there to focus their energies through it and use their ecomancy. Teron urges Tula to touch it, assuring her that her power is deeper than she thinks, and together they begin the restoration of Andorus through the tree, their powers spreading from it (I guess it's the "natural focus" of the island) throughout the land and water and air. Through it they are able to sense every miniscule facet of the island.


From episode 4, "Betrayal." I'm not entirely sure. ^^; Zoolie sort of grumbles it good-naturedly after Strant tries to enter his gaming house with a smuggled weapon that Zoolie finds and pulls out of his satchel, unbeknownst to him. I guess it's a term they use to describe troublemakers, liars, people who try to smuggle weapons into places they can't have them, or something?