Old blog archive: 15 December 2003

Wow, been a while since I posted here. But something happened Friday that made me think of this journal again. ;o) I was hanging out with a couple of guys (one I met on Friendster–he messaged me because one of the photos I have up there is the one of me in my PoDW shirt–and it turned out we actually had met years and years ago; the other was a friend of his who knows somebody I know) at Starbucks, when (the gist of) this conversation happened:

W: You have a lot of websites–how many do you have?
Me: Well, a lot of them are just part of my domain–I have a bunch of fanlistings, a Pirates of Dark Water site…
W: *grin* Oh yeah. *turns to P* She has, like, THE biggest and most extensive Pirates of Dark Water website.
Me: *kind of shyly* Yeah, it’s #1 on Google.
P: *blank look* Pirates of Dark Water? Is that the sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean?

*facepalm* (which was pretty much our reaction ;o))

The “holy shit” auction from 2 posts back–I lost it, but I’m in touch with the guy who won it (he was gracious enough to e-mail me and to offer to donate a copy of the files to the site–I think he’s going to scan them in bit by bit, which is freaking AWESOME), and it’s full of very, very, very cool stuff. Over 200 pages of storyboards (that was what really got me) and a lot of other concept material–and he won another auction for original Hanna-Barbera style guides and stuff from 10 series, one of which is PoDW, so he’s really gotten lucky. :o)

Oh, and I made a few animated .gif’s last week, because I got bored. ;o) I discovered that some software that came with my system allows me to screencap from certain file types, so…oh, and I’d recommend that you (right-click and) save, instead of just (left-clicking and) viewing, because they load faster off your system than in your browser.

ioz-opera.gif – longtime gag with several of my friends, a.k.a. Smitha is a freaking huge dork. 😀
jenna-ren1.gif – the scene where Jenna gives Ren the sword. I’ve always adored this moment; it’s incredibly symbolic in terms of many of the mythological and epic tales, because Ren’s receiving more than just his father’s sword–Jenna’s passing the whole legacy of Primus and Octopon, and the throne (in a sense), and the Quest and just all of it. A very pivotal and moving and well-executed moment.
ren-destiny.gif – from “Victory,” when Ren’s raising his fist at the very end. I’ve always loved this moment–I had to shrink it because I screencapped DarkWaterFan’s version, which was really blurry and unclear.
podw-opening.gif – I LOVE the opening. Those first 5 scenes are breathtakingly gorgeous…and then they go and show the inside of the Maelstrom and ruin it. 😛 I made this almost like a promo, except not really.
podw-logo.gif – oooh, shiny. ;o)

And the RPG’s kicked off at the forum (FINALLY). It’s definitely not too late to join if you’re still interested!

But anyway, back to work. Stupid, stupid Mondays!

Old blog archive: 19 November 2003

All the really cool stuff seems to come in waves or something–eeee! *grins* When I was on campus yesterday, Jenn IMd me to let me know there was a new post at the forum–so I checked, thinking it was something she’d posted, but instead, Heidi Bosch, who used to work for HB from 88-96 (meaning, PoDW was made while she was there, and she actually did get to work on it a little) had posted this.

(Just because I’ve replied doesn’t mean I’m buying what she’s offering, so if you’re interested, DEFINITELY e-mail her!…not that I’m not tempted, because I REALLY am 😀 but I really don’t want to “hog” all this from other fans, which I may have inadvertently done in the past, just because I REALLY wanted whatever it was that was being sold, and I’ve always got this complex that I’m afraid nobody else will take as good care of it or get as much out of it as I will, but I’m just weird/selfish…plus, while I probably could afford it, I really shouldn’t blow as much as I think the auction plus all of what she’s offering would all end up costing, which’ll be well over $100.)

Excuse me while I have a silent “fangirl” moment. ;o)

She’s also offered to answer any questions about the show I have, or to ask her friends who were more involved with the show if she can’t answer them herself (I recognize their names from the credits! AND she’s worked directly with Iwao Takamoto and Joe Barbera!)…I really need to work on getting a coherent list compiled. :o) There’ve been all these little “…?”s running around in my head over the years, but I’ve never really thought about jotting them down. Of course, major ones will be exactly why the show was canceled (expensive production, kids not watching, Fil-Cartoons’s bankrupty and shutting down a major Filipino studio during the show’s production, rumored death of scriptwriter?), and how the show was meant to end, and/or if she knows if any planning or work was done on those elusive “missing” episodes. But there are bunches more. *grin* I mean, HB is a legend. People bash it for making “uncreative” and “boring” cartoons–but of those people, I’ll bet every single one of them grew up on on Scooby-Doo and The Flintstones and The Jetsons and Yogi Bear and all the other legendary animated characters and series that HB produced.

Just…wow. *grin* I think just talking to someone who worked on the show is just as valuable to me, if not more so, than what they produced. The imagination comes from the people who produced it, and we see it through the end product, but it comes from them.

Old blog archive: 18 November 2003


It’s MINE. I’m TOTALLY winning this (and subsequently putting it online *grin*).

In other eBay news, there’s also a kite for sale. I’ve never seen it before, and kind of went, “Oooh…” when I initially saw it. :o) I’m not bidding, though–I’m saving up for the first auction. *evil grin*

Old blog archive: 12 November 2003

*chokes* I’m going through old weblog entries/archives, to try and compile a list of “memories” posts (just posts of memorable moments), and I found this lovely one, from February 8, 2002…relevant excerpt posted below.

    I also had a very disturbing dream last night related to Pirates of Dark Water… *coughs* I was watching TV and there was a documentary related to PoDW, so of course I tuned in. ;o) And it was all about how PoDW was made specifically to introduce American audiences to a homosexual animated cast, and talked about how Ren was openly gay and all this other stuff, and threw around all these literary criticism terms (I specifically mention there was a female narrator with a very calm voice), and showed clips from the show (some of which were actually from there that I could remember, others that were most definitely not)–nothing overly gratuitous…though what I found funny were that they showed a couple of the scenes where he and Tula were hugging and being all lovey-dovey, and somehow twisted those to show he was still homosexual. It made no sense, and now that I think about it, it’s actually rather funny…but…then I overheard someone saying how much they REALLY wanted to write some decent Ren-Ioz slash after watching that. *seriously gags*

That cracks me up. 😀 And I think the reason I was “gagging” at the dream was just the prospect of someone doing a documentary trying to yaoi-ify a show and characters I know like the back of my hand. And unnecessary slash/yaoi rather bug me–I totally support homosexuality, so that’s not the problem all. But putting characters of the same sex just because same-sex couples are seen as “sexy”, when there really isn’t any indication that there’s anything between them…you know? I feel like Ren and Ioz have a very brotherly relationship and cameraderie–Ren looks up to Ioz as someone who’s seen the world and can give him good advice, and Ioz has been “won over” by Ren’s kindness and the strength of his will and his heart, and is very big brotherly towards him, in terms of backing him up in moments of conflict…and so on and so forth. I’ve never seen any indications of slash between them, so it bugs me when I see stuff like “OMGWTF lyk Ren/Ioz wud be so hawwwtt!!1kthxbye” (that was painful to type) that’s there just because they think two fairly masculine men in a gay relationship would be “hawwwtt,” and not because there’s any real basis for the couple.

Anyway… *steps down off soapbox*

Old blog archive: 05 November 2003

I feel sort of weird talking about this publicly, but…whatever.

So I’ve gotten e-mails from fans of the show giving me praise or encouragement or thanks for my site over the years, especially in the last couple. And I’m really grateful for every single message–I tell people this, and I’m afraid it sounds trite, but it’s the truth: they let me know that people are really getting something out of this, and that I’m not just doing this for myself, so it really makes me feel wonderful to get a message from someone who stumbled across my site after not hearing about the show for years, and feeling ecstatic that it was able to help them remember something they really treasured from their childhood. That’s what keeps me updating, because I know people really do want to see more, and I actually have an audience. :o)

And then there are the people who actually take it a step further and fangirl (or fanboy) my site, or fangirl/boy me. And by fangirling/boying, I mean gushing (I can understand some–god knows I’d be gushing if I discovered a site for a show I adored as a child and completely forgot about till recently, but I mean the really excessive stuff), latching onto me, going really overboard with the compliments to the point that they don’t even strike me as being sincere, basically writing up a storm to try and impress me. (Why?? 😛 I’m impressed if you stop by–any compliments past that are welcome in themselves.) And with guys, flirtation’s involved. (I DO NOT take kindly to flirtation. AT ALL. And I’m not talking about actual sincere, heartfelt comments/compliments–I mean people sending me “<3″s and calling me “cute”/”cutie”/etc. sort of regularly, and just showering me with compliments that really are a little creepy. I’ve never been one to take compliments about my looks easily, because I definitely don’t get them that often, and I don’t even really care about my appearance, or the appearance of others; I care about what’s inside, so complimenting someone just because they “look good,” based on that fact alone, strikes me as weird and very, very shallow.)

Sorry, tangent–what sparked this had no flirtation in it whatsoever. Just bunches and bunches of super-gushy, nearly-over-the-top praise. ^^;

It happened again yesterday, at the Yahoo! club. And that’s another thing–sometimes I really feel like I’m overstepping my bounds there, and I’m really worried someone’ll think I have an ego or something, just because I get into it and I like to post a lot, and I’m by nature long-winded. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but that’s the last thing I’d ever want people to think, that I have an overinflated sense of self about my site. I have joked about it with my friends, but I totally don’t feel like I’m some big influential force in the PoDW fandom, like some people have very kindly said. I mean, all I do is run a site, and I get really lucky with who I bump into–Floro Dery, one of the conceptual artists, and Lee Agosta, the author of the D&D module…I didn’t go out of my way to stumble into either of them (Floro e-mailed me, and Lee happened to be offering an auction on eBay that I won; I didn’t know it was him till after we started corresponding and I recognized his name), but I got really lucky both times, because they were both generous enough to send me stuff (via e-mail or snail mail) when they found out that I’m a huge, huge fan. Going back to the Yahoo! club–people talking to me directly about my site there–that’s also a little awkward, because we’re there to talk about the show, not just my site. I just started posting there recently after a long hiatus, because I thought the club was dead and had pretty much forgotten about it, but it totally wasn’t, which I’m really glad about, because it was one of the first true online PoDW communities.

But anyway! ^^; I really do appreciate having a lot of people that are so supportive and enthusiastic about my site and the work I’ve put into it. But fangirls and fanboys are sort of…I don’t know. PoDW’s older, and not one of the major “things” that other series/genres, like Japanese anime (specifically Sailormoon, DBZ, and the stuff on Cartoon Network past and present), Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. is. With those, there’s a handful of very notable, major, respected sites and a TON of mini fansites. The people at the head of the fandom do run it, and they’re well aware of the fact that they run it. They’re even recognized in public sometimes. That’s totally nonexistent here. (Though it would totally and utterly make my dayweek if someone came up to me because they recognized me from this site and struck up a PoDW conversation with me… *grin*) I’m just different from a lot of people I know because I’ve kept up with the show over the years, but there are a number of people who are still very familiar with it and all the little details and intricacies (and I’ve talked to at least several of them at length online, which is just awesome, as are they–there are only one or two people I can do that with among people I know offline). The only difference between them and me is that I put a website together for the show. And the difference between many of the other PoDW webmasters (past AND present) is that I’ve kept mine up for around 7 years, while they just stopped updating, or only recently started. And over that time, I happened to learn more HTML/scripting/graphics knowhow and applied it to my site, and I dug and found more info to make sure I could keep the site going, and people stopped by on their own.

That’s another thing. I’ve never advertised this site. I’ve maybe had it in my signature at forums/messageboards, and plugged it at places like my Elfwood galleries (my FanQuarter gallery gets attention because it’s the first one to have had any Dark Water art in the Woods, and is still almost totally devoted to my fanart of the show) or when letting people that have images/content I’d love to display here know that I have a site for the show when asking permission to use their material, and I only (very) recently added meta tags for search engines to pick up, but that’s it. The main reason it gets any “fame”/attention is because people noticed it and spread the word on their own, via e-mails and messageboards and stuff, and that’s what upped the hit count and is keeping the site high in the Google/search engine rankings (along with Ken Lipka’s RPG, Jenni’s fanlisting, and the other “generic” sites, for info or video game cheats, that’ve been around for years). Now, the majority of the resources I use for this hosting account go to this site: my other sites probably will use a gig or so total, but this is where the vast majority of my hits come to, all because other people found it on their own, and keep coming back. (Thank you so, so much. :o) )

But anyway, this is still an old show, with a lot of fans but only a pretty small “fan base” online. The fact that I have gotten fangirling/fanboying is really weird, considering that, and while it’s a compliment in its own way…it’s not one I feel that comfortable about. I mean, I get messages where people all but idolize the site, and idolize me for maintaining it, and I mean that literally. It’s a WEB SITE, folks. About a CARTOON. It’s a cartoon that means a lot to me, and obviously to a lot of other people too–but I feel odd when people will literally go teenybopper and actually latch onto me, or shower me personally with compliments despite not knowing me well at all, once they find my site. That’s happened at least several times, and it really is kind of overboard. I had an “incident” recently with someone who I thought was a true friend, whom I met and got to know online; he grossly overstepped the unspoken lines of how online friends should behave with each other, online and offline (I met him for the first time at Dragon*Con this year, and he latched onto me very, very tightly and even made the others in our group uncomfortable, and he evoked a level of sheer discomfort in me at and after the con that nobody’s ever come close to in my entire life, and I do mean that literally–I finally broke off all contact with him, and it was the first time I’d ever done that with anybody), which has made me especially sensitive to this sort of thing. Nothing I’ve gotten via this site’s come even close to that, but there are people who, via e-mail or IM, are definitely overdoing it to some degree.

*runs out of steam and stops* And all the time I spent writing this in spurts, I could have–and SHOULD have–spent on my NaNoWriMo novel, which I’m 2 days (and over 3400 words) behind on. Damn. 😛 ;o)

Old blog archive: 29 October 2003

I’m (slowly but surely) obtaining RealMedia files of 7 of the episodes. I’ve got about 5 1/2 right now–the AIM transfers keep getting interrupted for one reason or another, though. But the image quality’s much better–the images themselves are bigger–than the ones I previously had up. I’d love to put these up, but they’re 50MB files and will zap my bandwidth like hell, because once I put up a 20MB episode, my monthly bandwidth usage goes up by 3 or 4 gigs. Grrr, I wish there were better or more flexible hosting plans out there…

Getting backlogged on work and class, and I think I have mild tendonitis in my fingers (my right index finger is aching and feels awfully delicate/fragile, like if I hit it too hard against the keyboard it might break…not the best feeling to have), so off the computer and back to studying and stuff now. Ugh.

Old blog archive: 09 October 2003

I think I’m going to hell for this.

A friend bought me a LiveJournal paid membership yesterday, so I was fiddling with making icons, and when making the Ren one, “still not king” hit me out of nowhere. Sooooo…

(it was hard coming up with something for him–the best lines are in the Fellowship diaries)

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out Cassandra Claire‘s journal. ;o) Oh, and these are free for use if anyone actually wants them. :o)

Old blog archive: 30 September 2003

Okay, so this irks me a little. 😛 A guy posts a couple of images at a forum, one of which is a piece of fanart off this site. (I keep up with my stats fairly well because I like looking at where people post images from this site at, because it’s fun to see people’s reactions to remembering the show and stuff.) Then he quotes the show as being from the 80s, and when someone contradicts him, he links to 3 other PoDW sites that apparently said it’s from the 80s (but not to mine, which is sort of weird since you’d think he’d have gotten that image from stopping by my site…and that sounds really really vain, but that’s not what I’m trying to sound like. ^^; It’s a common mistake to call PoDW an 80s cartoon because it came out so early in the 90s, so I’m not trying to slander anyone else either–I have this really distinct memory of kids in my 5th grade class, in 1991, talking about the show, so that’s what I’ve always sort of gone with).

But then he starts bitching about how none of the fan sites are accurate. Er, where did you get that fanart image you linked from? Did you think about poking around the site you got that image from to see if anything was there? Sheesh. 😛 I know everything I have here is accurate–er, mostly *rolls eyes at the recent comic saga*–so it does kind of bug me that after all the hard work I put into making sure I provide as much and as accurate information as I can (and I’m sure it’s the same for the other webmasters), someone’ll just make some stupid offhand comment that sort of insults us all en masse like that. I’m so tempted to register and post and go, “Um, excuse me, not quite.” Except I won’t because I’m not that much of a geek. Though I REALLY am tempted. ^^;

Anyway, off to rehearsal now, so enough bitching from me. *angelic look*

Old blog archive: 26 September 2003

I installed the SiteMeter tracker August 7, 2002. Since then, the main page has gotten over 20,000 hits. We just crossed the 20k mark probably yesterday or the day before. That’s unbelievable. :o) (No, I didn’t just go to the main site and reload 15 times a day. ;o) ) And that’s just the index.html page! Plenty of people have come in via searches that take them to the subpages first. That’s just awesome…thanks so much, everybody!